We offer 100% Guaranteed Results.

If we don't preform, you don't pay.

we help you turn your expertise into scalable online education.

Here is the problem:

Creating a course is HARD, especially when doing it alone.

  • Lack of time. You want to build your online course, but you don't have the time to do everything yourself.

  • Limited technical Skills. You're afraid that building an online course will require many technical skills, which you don't have.

  • Limited marketing skills. You're confident you can make a remarkable online program, but you're not sure how to market online.

  • No clear direction. You're eager to get started, but have no clear direction or roadmap to ensure you're successful

We're not a marketing agency. We're your 360 partner.

Introducing our service that simplifies online education business setup. Let us handle 90% of the work while you focus on being the expert.


In the start-up phase, we set a clear direction, align expectations, define goals and perform all necessary practical onboarding on various platforms.

We thoroughly review your previous data and derive a strategy that we refine in collaboration with you.


Success is just as important for us as it is for you, and of course i can just say that, but instead we show it by doing the following:

Working mainly on performance based solutions. It’s a partnership where I succeed when you do. I won’t even begin to work with you if i don’t believe in the product…


Optimization is a cornerstone of our collaboration, and nothing is wrapped up. Ongoing optimization is our promise to make you succeed.

We have daily communication over Slack or WhatsApp, you receive a weekly video report, and we have a monthly status meeting where we evaluate.

Build. Launch. Scale.

Success is closer than you think. We've optimised our process to the point where you can have a validated, testimonial backed, and profitable online course (even before launching).

Results speak louder.

Got any questions ?

What Do You Guys Do?

At Ailix we help professionals in all fields create, launch, and scale their impact and profit by sharing your expertise with thousands of students around the world. Through the use of online education, we truly come together to change the world of education for the better, making it more available to the public! This is all possible with our guidance that we provide you every step of the way from vision to reality, using our proven processes and systems that we cater to you..

Am I eligible to create my own online education business?

Almost any professional in any field can create their own online education business! Let's schedule a free discovery call to discuss your potential further.

How Much Does It Cost?

At Ailix, we have a small upfront cost, which is part of our commitment to you and our relationship that we look forward to building! We only earn a percentage of your revenue when your course is launched and starts generating revenue.

How do you GUARANTEE results?

We guarantee results by creating the ideal framework and foundation for your online course from start to finish, helping you reach your targeted goals and beyond every step of the way. This is all possible by utilizing our proven processes and systems that we customize to your specific goals and needs!

How long will it take?

You are able to streamline the entire course creation process with our help at every stage, which enables you to go from having only a vision to a completed course that is prepared for launch in just 8 weeks! This timeframe will vary depending on your schedule and availability, which is why we cater the entire process to you individually.

Can I do this with a full-time job?

Of course! We truly enable you to concentrate entirely on your areas of expertise with our support and direction, as we handle all backend and technical tasks! This gives you the opportunity to transfer most of the stress to us, leaving you with little work to do—especially if you're pressed for time!

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